TPS Consortium Logo

Grand Valley State University

Allendale, Michigan, 49401

Last updated on August 26, 2024

Grant awarded by
TPS Midwest Region
Midwest(includes South Central states - AL, AR, LA, MS, and TN)
Organization Type
Congressional District(s)
3, 4
Fiscal Year Of First Grant
FY 2022 [10/01/21 - 09/30/22]
Contributing Organization(s)
Organization description

Grand Valley State University (GVSU) is a comprehensive four-year public institution in West Michigan serving more than 21,500 students across seven colleges. Founded in 1960, GVSU is the fourth largest institution in Michigan, serving students primarily from West Michigan and Southeast Michigan, but with enrollment from all 83 Michigan counties, 46 other states and over 25 countries. The university has nearly 1,162 faculty across the colleges, nearly 30% of whom are non-tenure track faculty.

Project description

This project awarded to Grand Valley State University developed Slow Reveal Graphs based on W.E.B. Du Bois’ hand-drawn charts on the Library of Congress website. These visual materials served as a basis for designing professional learning opportunities for middle and high school history teachers. Educators learned about the use of data literacy in history, as well as understood how to work with Slow Reveal Graphs as engaging instructional tools to aid students in making sense of data.

TPS project focus
  • Teaching Materials
  • Workshops
Content focus
  • History
  • Information Literacy
  • Classroom teachers
  • Teacher candidates/Student teachers
  • 6 - 8
  • 9 - 12
Population focus
Organization Contact
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