The Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Consortium Created Materials website allows you to search for products developed by TPS Consortium members.
Use the search bar to find organizations and materials of interest.
The Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Consortium currently includes 250 partner organizations and reaches across the country. Consortium members share ideas, information, and materials, and in many cases collaborate on the design and delivery of TPS projects.
Members have offered professional development workshops and academic courses focused on using Library primary sources in several subject matter and skill areas, including STEM, civil rights, disability history, teaching English Language Learners, regional history, assessment, and many others. In addition, TPS Consortium Members have written curricula and online apps/interactives for teaching civics, culturally relevant pedagogy, and argumentative writing, based on use of Library of Congress collections, which educators can adapt to use with their own learners.
More information about the TPS Consortium can be found by clicking here.

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