Snow and Co
Last updated on August 15, 2024
Grant awarded by
Organization Type
Congressional District(s)
Fiscal Year Of First Grant
Contributing Organization(s)
Organization description
Snow and Co is a small design and development studio that designs and develops engaging, effective digital learning experiences that draw on learning science and the strengths of game design, while focusing on fitting into learners’ lives and meeting educators’ needs. Snow & Co Principal Bert Snow is a co-PI for the KidCitizen project, along with Dr. Michael Berson and Dr. Ilene Berson of the University of South Florida.
Project description
TPS project focus
- Apps/Online Interactives/Games
- Webinars
- Workshops
Content focus
- Civics
- Equity and Inclusion
- Geography
- History
- Literacy
- Classroom teachers
- Curriculum coordinators
- Homeschoolers
- Librarians/Media specialists
- Students
- Teacher candidates/Student teachers
- University faculty
- Pre-K - 2nd
- 3 - 5
- Graduate
Population focus
- African Americans
- Asian Americans
- English language learners
- Hispanic/Latinx
- Jewish Americans
- Low income
- Men and boys
- Muslim Americans
- Native American/Indigenous
- Rural
- Urban
- Women and girls